You can’t fix your loved one’s problems. But there are other ways to help them get through a depressive time. Depression Treatment in NYC is available, but here’s some ways to help your loved one outside of therapy.
Talk to them
Let your loved one know that you are there for them however you can be. It’s important to not let depression be a taboo subject in order for your loved one to know they can trust you. Be an active listener and provide emotional support, but don’t push advice on them if they don’t ask for it.
How you can start off the conversation:
- “I’ve noticed you have been feeling down the last couple of times we’ve met up. Would you like to talk about it?”
- “You mentioned you were going through some stuff. How are you feeling about everything?”
Your loved one may not be so open to talk in the beginning, but overtime if you continue to show you care and are there for them, they can eventually open up.
Take it seriously
Depression is not something to take lightly. It does not go away with the snap of a finger or a night out. It’s a serious illness. Show compassion and support to your loved one in order to help them.
Be patient
Depression is challenging for both you and your loved one. There are times where you want to just stop and leave, but it is important to keep your cool. You may one day experience depression and will need support from your loved ones as well.
Keep them in the loop
A depressed person is less likely to go out and socialize with others. Offer loose invitations to remind them that they are not forgotten. This will allow your loved one to remember that once they start feeling better they can reenter the social scene.
Encourage them to get depression treatment
While you can do all that you can, you are not trained to help treat depression on a professional level. Encourage them to seek help from a licensed therapist for depression treatment. Therapists will be able to aid patients with techniques that will treat depression head on and provide them with guidance in managing depression. A therapist would be able to help pinpoint areas in a patient’s life that are causing them depression and find ways to resolve them.
Looking Counseling Services for Depression Treatment?
If you’re looking for places for your loved one to start depression treatment, or treat any mental health issues, we are here to help.
Book an appointment on Zocdoc or call/text us at 347-391-4205.
Learn about the different services we offer here!